The objective of this eModule is to provide all school board staff with the awareness and tools to prevent indoor same level STFs.
Additional tools can be found in the SBCI eModule – Indoor Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention
The objective of this eModule is to provide all school board staff with the awareness and tools to prevent indoor same level STFs.
Additional tools can be found in the SBCI eModule – Indoor Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention
The objective of this eModule is to provide all school board staff with the awareness and tools to prevent indoor same level STFs.
The objective of this eShort is to provide all school board staff with the awareness to prevent wintertime Slips, Trips, and same level Falls through two tools, Winter Footwear and Outdoor Traction Aids.
Additional tools can be found in the SBCI eModule – Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention: Winter Conditions and Outdoor Surfaces
This eModule is designed to assist school administrators (Principals/Vice-Principals) and other school board supervisors in conducting accident investigations. As well as, when an accident investigation is needed, and the legal and best practice requirements for these investigations.
This eVideo contains an interview with Keith Wainwright, speaking on how he implemented the Ball Strike Toolkit within his own school. The Ball Strike Toolkit details several strategies to reduce outdoor ball strike type incidents, and contains further resources for these strategies. In many schoolboards, ball strike type incidents are very common and can often result in head injuries and concussions, which tend to be very costly and can take a long time to recover from.
The Ball Strike Toolkit details several strategies to reduce outdoor ball strike type incidents, and contains further resources for these strategies. In many schoolboards, ball strike type incidents are very common and can often result in head injuries and concussions, which tend to be very costly and can take a long time to recover from. This eModule contains a quick overview of toolkit.
This Workbook aligns with the eModule and includes some optional exercises such as supplemental reading and the development of a School Health and Safety Plan. As a principal or vice principal, you are considered a supervisor under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Supervisors are subject to legislated duties, which we are going to explore.
As a principal or vice principal, you are considered a supervisor under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Supervisors are subject to legislated duties, which we are going to explore.
A Workbook with optional exercises is available for this eModule.
This eModule details nine different Strategies to help reduce Slip, Trip, and Fall type incidents from occurring in your schoolboard. These strategies can be implemented individually or all together as a Winter Weather Safety Plan.
This eModules contains strategies, tips, roles, and responsibilities for Workplace inspections. This is eModule is designed specifically for Secondary school locations, to help administrators narrow down what to look for, when to perform inspections, what questions to ask, and who should be performing these inspections.